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August Adventures in Environmental Restoration: Progress, Projects, and Promotions

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

As summer days shorten, our commitment to environmental restoration remains steadfast. August has been an eventful month for our team, brimming with projects, professional development, and well-deserved celebrations. Join us as we dive into the milestones which have defined our journey toward a greener, more sustainable future.

Quick Stats for August Accomplishments

Matt holding up a large Pokeberry he took out. While we dont typically remove natives, sometimes the natives are too agresssive for a college campus garden

  • 21 Project Sites Visited: From rain garden installations, garden maintenance, and stream restoration sites.

  • 51 Native Shrubs & Trees Installed

  • 375 Native Perennial Plants Installed

  • 600 sqft of Conservation Landscaping Installed

  • 350 sqft of Turf Grass Removed & Replaced

ClockTower Bayscape

Despite weather and terrain challenges, our dedicated crew completed the Clocktower Bayscape Garden. This innovative installation features native plants in newly amended soil to buffer sediment and erosion during a rainstorm, while providing a habitat for pollinators. This site was chosen due to having a badly eroded hillside next to the community parking lot, and there was evidence of unsafe foot traffic for the locals trying to access nearby trails

So the additional feature our crew built were natural stairs to safely connect people to the trails that run between their community. We were lucky to have an experienced trail builder on our summer Ready Crew, who shared his experiences with the team.

Crew marking flags for plants into a recently built rain garden
Rain Garden Installation Planning

There are additional projects planned and actively being finished in the Clocktower Community, that we will have updates for in September’s recap. But we’re excited to share the ongoing progress our organization has made with this community. We’re confident that not only will these projects make a long lasting impact on the environment, but add beauty and value to the neighborhood itself.

Professional Development and Industry Exposure

An important aspect of the Uplift program is building professional tools and confidence with our crew members, plus networking with green industry professionals. Our crew had an insightful and educational August. Here’s a brief overview of we accomplished:

Guest speaker talks to crew about climate initiatives

  • Watershed Assessment Training Part 2: Under the direction of our founder, Lori Lilly, the crew learned more about how to assess watershed health and solutions.

  • Industry Exposure: Arboriculture Discussion with Lou Meyer, Davey Tree Company: Our crew gained insights into arboriculture's pivotal role in environmental restoration, as well as working conditions and culture.

  • Industry Exposure: Tour of Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant: A firsthand look at the inner workings of vital water reclamation processes.

  • Webinar/Discussion - Introduced Plant Pathogens Threatening North American Forests: Understanding the threats to our forests with leading researchers in the field.

  • Career Researching/Development Session: Preparing for the future with sessions dedicated to career growth. Our crew spends time with our program manager, Campbell Shepard, to understand financial literacy, resume workshop, practice interviews, and meet with green industry leaders.

Growth, Growth, Growth!

August was a great month for growth within our company. It is the goal of Uplift to not only train our crew members but assist with successful job placements after their season ends. Some opportunities are permanent positions within our organization, and others are with landscaping companies that share our values.

  • Nick Lovett Promoted from Foreman to Field Technician

  • Andrei Shiller Promoted from Crew Lead to Foreman

  • Elura Morris Promoted from Assistant Crew Lead to Marketer, Communications, & Outreach

  • Xai Smith Promoted to Permanent Crew

  • Niall Donaldson Promoted from Assistant Crew Lead to Crew Lead

  • Markell Graham graduated from our Uplift Program. Learn more about his accomplishments here.

August has been a whirlwind of growth, projects, and milestones for our team. With each native plant, professional development opportunity, and promotion, we move one step closer to our goal of nurturing and preserving our environment. Stay tuned for more adventures in the months to come, as we continue our journey toward a greener, more sustainable future.

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