Our Mission
We want to raise $7,500 for Year End Giving to support our work in empowering communities through conservation and restoration actions. Our current goal is to plant 1,750 trees and install 12,500 square feet of conservation landscaping in and adjacent to urban, underserved areas in the Baltimore region through 2024.
Through this effort, we will enhance environmental quality and foster community resilience in areas most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

We're Building a Better Tomorrow
We're an active part of storm water management solutions that protect our waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. We actively work with local counties to remove invasive plant species and restore green corridors.
We're Creating the Next Generation of Green Industry Leaders
Our UpLift & READY crews are a workforce development program offering, training, certifications, & Green Industry Exposure.
We're Providing Sustainable Landscape Solutions
We're planting native trees, shrubs, and perennials in gardens on homes, schools, and churches. We give them an alternative to traditional lawn care that wrecks havoc on the environment
Donate directly to Paypal, or you can write a check to Howard Ecoworks at:
9770 Patuxent Woods Drive,
Suite 309
Columbia, MD 21046
2023 has been a productive and fruitful year for EcoWorks. Your donation allows our crews to continue serving our local counties with sustainable landscaping and storm water management.