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Injury Incident

1. Injury Incident

This first section is for reporting injuries.  See below for reporting of property or vehicular damage incident reporting.


If, for instance, a vehicular accident involved injuries, both reports need to be completed.


If an injury has occurred, address the medical situation immediately, including activating 911 if the situation warrants. 


Halt work.


The Crew Leader or other supervisor in charge must immediately fill out the Incident Report Form after the situation is controlled.  Gather the facts, including the witnesses and people involved.


The Crew Leader or other supervisor in charge must notify management, including the Executive Director.


Before the end of the shift, the Landscape Foreman or higher must file a Worker's Compensation report. Follow the Selective Insurance Guidelines linked here.


Incidents that make an employee unable to work require additional attention of EcoWorks supervisors and management.


Debrief the incident.

2. Property Damage Incident

Property Damage

If the property damage incident also involved injuries, fill out the Injury Report above as well.


If an injury has occurred, address the medical situation immediately, including activating 911 if the situation warrants it.  Follow the procedures above for reporting injury-involved incidents.


Assess the situation.  Secure the situation.  If a vehicle is damaged, safely move it out of traffic.  Park the vehicle safely.  If a utility has been cut, ensure the situation is safe (e.g., no power to electrical lines), or prevent people from entering the area.


The Crew Leader or other supervisor in charge must immediately fill out the Property Damage Report after the situation is controlled.  Gather the facts, including the witnesses and people involved.


The Crew Leader or other supervisor in charge must notify management, including the Executive Director.


Debrief the incident.

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